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The investigation Infinito immobile leads me to take as an object of reflection the traces or debris that the society of the image keeps aside. In a first phase, I have taken the white noise signal as landscape. Visual noise produced by a densification of information, the image converted into a signal. His reading places us on the cliff, staring at that infinite contradiction that challenges us, from a finite surface. The first phase places me before this encrypted and dead image, in the following phases I will incorporate new landscapes. Seduced by the plot of these thousands of black squares on a white background (in clear allusion to Malevich), I am currently working on the elaboration of a theoretical text that concentrates the information that suggests to me to look at this modern infinity. As my theorizing progresses, I develop visual compositions related to the experience. The culmination of this project, as always, I could never say at this point.

Imagination_infinite_signal _the image as a refuge from death_the fragmentary_the failure of reason before the infinite_Malevich and the White Light_white noise_the absolute signal ........................... .................................................. .................................................. ..

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